Why Fruit?
As part of this program, you will be invited to shift your diet to that of a frugivore (a diet consisting primarily of fruits).
So why the fruit?
To effectively frame the answer to this brilliant question I’ll spend a little time wordsmithing a simplified picture of the human system in the hopes of providing you with a sound reference point to park all the information I highly recommend the world get to know about the power of the fruits.
Your Physical Body
100 trillion cells (give or take), all as individual as you are, working in commune to form the grand organism that is your gorgeous physical form.
Flowing between every single cell are two fluids, Blood (the fluid that feeds them), and Lymph (the fluid that transports acidic cellular wastes out of the body).
Blood HAS to move, if it doesn’t you’re in for a really bad day! To insure itself, it has a pump (the heart and pulmonary system), a purification system (spleen & kidneys), and ‘more tricks than a 2yo coercing you for an ice cream’ to keep it flowing in good order.
Lymph is largest fluid system in the body, comprising approx. 75% of your total major fluids. It has volume on its side, but no pump. It relies on hydration and manual actuation in order for it to function correctly. (manual actuation = you moving yourself, aka; exercise)
Chemistry gets a mention here, a very large topic given its profound implications on health status, and foods being representative of the primary way we interface with it, however for the purpose of this article the only fact we need to land here is that the human is a BASE DOMINANT CREATURE; meaning that you are designed to operate best with carbon (alkaline) fuel. The nitrogen’s (acids) do have their place in a diet once an individual has restored the power to use them, however carbon foods (simple sugars) are considered our ‘jet fuel’ producing the highest yield in true hydration, healing and growth.
And finally, bringing your body to life requires ENERGY… the primordial force. We are energetic beings and without energy you would be an unanimated object capable of nothing and going nowhere… (Dr Frankenstein’s bright idea had merit!).
From a headline perspective, energy is largely produced through the conversion of the food you eat into ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP is the primary energy molecule that a cell can use to power its functions.
When choosing foods it’s a really good idea to consider two things:
- What foods can I extract the most energy from?
- This refers to the amount of angstroms (Å) contained in the food (Å: the tangible unit of energetic nutrition), as opposed to the denser macro nutrition of protein, fats and carbohydrates.
- What are the costs associated in extracting that energy?
- The associated costs to consider are the amount of energy required to process the food to get the new energy, and the amount of metabolic pollution generated in the extraction process.
And so the question begs…. ‘What food allows us to create the most cost efficient energy’...?
Let’s welcome Fruits to the center of the stage!
Fruits, including melons and berries, contain the highest energetic nutrition of all the food groups, around 12000Å. They are low in macro-nutritional value and therefore easily broken down requiring very little energy to do so.
Because they are a base (alkaline) food, the pollution produced from extracting their nutrients is minimal and highly inconsequential. This also makes them one of the only ‘energy-giving’ foods in the true sense of that term.
Very little metabolic pollution, minimal energy expense to extract and maximal energetic value makes fruits the most species-appropriate foods for the homosapien.
They contain only natural fructose sugar. Fructose sugar is superior to the other simple sugars, glucose and galactose, as it does not require active transport (such as insulin) to get it up to the cells. Instead it has a gold pass allowing it to simply diffuse through a cell wall, hook up with oxygen, bump the hydrogen out and go on to make ATP, ADP & AMP, the three molecule types that are used to power the cell.
The electrolytes of fruits will hydrate what water cannot. True hydration refers mainly to the fluidity of the lymph and in most cases, irrespective of how much water you drink, if you have lived your life to date consuming nitrogen (acid) dominant foods (meat, eggs, dairy, legumes, wheat, grains and processed snot) there’s a solid chance your lymph is hydrophobic meaning that water can’t get in…
This is a problem…
Water is a minor acid (which is how we can use it to clean things), and also why it alone will never successfully re-hydrate a dehydrated body. Don’t catch me wrong, water is important for all life, especially in the innate detox cleaning cycle, and must be included in your daily intake, however rehydrating a dehydrated body first requires the electrolytes (energy) of the fruits. Dehydrated areas are hydrophobic, meaning that water cannot penetrate it. The hydrating properties of the fruits break down the hydrophobic surface tension rendering it hydrophilic allowing water to penetrate and get about its cleaning prowess! You may have witnessed this phenomenon in your own backyard where soil becomes waxy and water seems to bounce off it; growing anything in these soils is challenging! When you add a detergent, such as wettersoil, the waxy coating causing the hydrophobic surface tension is broken down to a hydrophilic state allowing water to now access the soil profile. In this analogy, the wettersoil represents the fruits and the soil your body’s tissues.
The common 'stink-kickers' (concerns)
Common kick-stink #1 : Surely that much sugar can’t be good for you?!
Rationale: Not all sugars are created equal and while it is wise to steer well clear of refined and processed sugars, high fructose corn syrup and alcohol, and take a moderated approach to the intake of starches and disaccharides (see my article ‘Proteins & Polysaccharides’ for a deep dive on these), the humble fruit sugar is of perfect chemical alignment to the human species and should not be feared. Glucose (vegetable sugar) is also well aligned, however lacks the energetic value when compared to the fruits; we typically use veggies to build a person up once their fundamental systems have been restored. When one invests themselves into a fruit diet, they typically see rapid corrections in certain symptoms and body composition, and feel a particular state of being we have come to call ‘the fruit glow’.
Common kick-stink #2 : How much fruit should I eat? Surely fruit can’t be enough to sustain me…
Rationale: Eat when hungry, stop when full – that’s it. Your body is likely going to ramp up appetite when you begin reducing the problematic foods and introducing the healing fruits and so you can trust whatever your appetite calls for – there is a lot of internal work to do and it will require a barrow load of carbon energy! Most people will end up grazing all day and forego the idea of ‘standard meal times’. Conversely, once the body has enough energy to direct its focus into the cleaning functions, it has the tendency to lower ghrelin (the hunger hormone) in order to remove digestive load allowing itself to focus on the cleaning work. When it comes to fruit intake, don’t overthink it, apply the discipline required to choose fruit and then trust the appetite signals of your body.
Common kick stink #3 : Where will I get my protein from ??
Rationale: Protein is not what you have been led to believe it is… see my article ‘Proteins & Polysaccharides’ for a deeper look. The headline statement is that you do not resemble a cow, chicken, egg, fish or pig and so its highly illogical that their structures would provide us with anything overly useful. When you add to that consideration the fact that we thrive on the carbon side of chemistry, it makes consuming the conventional protein sources even more illogical given they are all nitrogenous.
Common kick stick #4 : Won’t all this fruit have me stranded on the dunny?!
Rationale: At times, yep! And you really wouldn’t want it any other way. The fruits are hydrating and breaking up accumulated toxic digestive and lymphatic wastes… they are providing clean energy and changing your internal environment from one that has been chemically hostile to one that supports regeneration and growth. The amount of wastes your body can store through the task of coping with all the ways you have unfortunately clogged it up would baffle you every time you heard it… but all that waste needs to come out. You will notice that the more you commit to the fruits as a sole intake, the more profound elimination will be. 2-6x the volume of what you put in can be observed coming out. Once its clean, it will stop and return to a regular and very pleasant experience.
In my philosophy, the purpose of true health is ‘space’; the space to experience an insane amount of variety without unmanageable consequence. It’s my belief that one’s quality of life is directly proportional to how much variety they can comfortably live with, and to achieve this, the primary vessel (your body) needs to be able to run optimally without spending every waking moment looking at it through a lens of concern wondering about ‘this’ &/or ‘that’. Our teachings provide the user a simplistic operating manual and comprehensive tools to ultimately allow you to hit ‘autopilot’ on your vessel and enjoy untold levels of living.
The fruit is step one, and your ground-zero control
Benjamin Kowal