Environmental Audit

Your immediate environment is a key area to review as it addresses a bunch of stuff that can interact with your internal physiology through respiration (what you breathe in), and transdermal uptake (what gets absorbed through your skin). This Audit also captures environmental elements such as noise, blue light and WIFI among the areas of potential improvement that are typically within your control when it comes to managing your personal space.

Use the audit tables in the topics that follow to capture products & services you're currently using and hit the submit button, our team will make an assessment of their Toxin Score and produce a detailed recommendation using the ECO Optimizer to assist you in further improving your overall course outcome.

The Toxin Calculator & ECO Optimizer are AI tools that will be available for all past and present participant to use once they are ready for mass use.

The various audit tables are separated into their respective sections to facilitate any need to chip away at the task over time. This same online form is used for all audit areas; simply select the audit area from the drop down box and the audit table will appear. If you're a 'do it now' type of person, feel free to get multiple done in one go.

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