The CATALYST work is where the rubber hits road in terms of restoring function to your bodies waste management systems.

Phase 1 leverages the lymphatic preparation you have completed through the SHIFT process to rapidly eliminate digestive & metabolic waste accumulations. Each phase that follows leverages the outcomes of the one before it.

This process can feel like a bungee jump, but enjoy every moment as we are here to support you and everything that occurs is progressing toward higher levels of function and therefore, health.


We have established that all chronic issues are primarily due to an accumulation of trapped wastes in our lymphatics. These wastes are inherent of our cultural and social beliefs, and so it’s permissible to state that for as many years as you have been alive you have been contributing to this accumulation through your diet and sociocultural consciousness. It is now time to relieve the body of this very old, putrefying matter via the dynamic organ and gland trio: the kidneys, bladder and adrenal glands.

Relieving the pressure here and re-establishing function can be analogised in the clearing of impacted food debris and grime from a plugged drain hole to empty the sink it serves, where the dirty sink water represents the body’s wastes, the debris being the aged obstructive muck, and the drain hole depicts your kidneys and bladder.

The work done in this phase will help clear the exhaust system of your bio machine and, by virtue of that goal being attained, the engine will run infinitely better.

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