Now that you have restored a level of lymphatic ability through CAT P1, the next step is to improve the process of getting your foods digested effectively and absorbed into the bloodstream for use. Taking center stage for that job is CATALYST PHASE 2.

The phase 2 protocol works to enhance your digestive power, and gently strip your GI Tract clear of the obstructions inhibiting proper nutrient absorption.

Due to the vast size of the GI tract, this protocol is aptly an extended 14 day process.

NB: The PHASE 3 prework gets overlaid during the last 5 days to make more efficient use of the time.

Insight Note: If you are feeling the cold more that you are used to, it is likely due to the rapid evacuation of the hot acids and toxins, along with the accompanying inflammation that has been keeping you insulated and chemically warmer for many years. Your body's thermostat will catch up over time and regulate your temperature effectively.

Tracking basal axial temps through this process helps to catch indications on endocrine involvement in your body's temperature regulation, real-time.

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