Clear Intentions and Expectations

Understand what this program is, and what it isn't.

This is your 6 week rocket ship to unpacking the initial layers of waste overburden and begin restoring your ability to produce and utilise energy. This course, depending on the options you chose through your enrolment, gives you everything you need to get it done, but make no mistake, this program is not done for you. You will need to apply the values of commitment and discipline to ensure you get the most out of the time you are about to invest.

The time it takes you to heal, is the time it takes.

This is an important mindset piece, and one to remember ongoing. The situation you are working to resolve has been created over the course of your entire life to date, and we are asking your body to unpack it in, comparatively, a much shorter space of time. While this program will move the needle on your health gauge along substantially, your desired final outcome may not be obtained within the timeframe of this course. We have multiple post-program support options available to ensure you get the result you came for.

State your purpose, Stay the course (no matter how difficult it gets), and the result will be better than you could ever imagine possible!

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