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A breakdown of each headline inclusion for ELITE™  

15 week block training:

  • Call 1: Program Launch (Week 1)
    • Discuss ELITES™ overview and drill down on the implementation of training, diet and mental prep requirements.
  • Call 2: Progress Call (Week 3)
    • Training, Diet & Mental state debrief | Set up the barrier testing schedule.
    • XPT Session: Introduction.
  • Call 3: Equipment & Nutrition (Week 5)
    • Detailed discussion around Expedition Nutrition | Individuals to trial for tolerance.
    • Equipment Detail and deepdive into what needs to be procured & what is supplied.
  • Call 4: Check-In + Q&A (Week 8)
    • XPT Session - Energy management focus.
  • Call 5: Selection Announcement & Expedition Itinerary. (Week 10)
    • Final team announced (capped at selected expedition max pax).
    • Those unsuccessful will circle into the next round.
  • Call 6: Pre-Expedition Checklist (2 days before participants travel to location).
    • The ‘mum’ call - making sure you’ve got your jocks & socks. 
  • Call 7: Post Expedition Close out
    • Program closeout, reflections & next steps.
  • Quick reference guides will be available via the ELITES™ online platform. (access currently granted manually).
    • Training Overview
    • Barrier Testing Requirements 
    • Nutrition Guide
    • Equipment Overview
    • Hero’s Expedition Detail
  • Barrier testing is the selection process in which participants complete a set task in their local area meeting distance, elevation, pack weight and time. It is essential that this is passed in order for us to ensure they have the physical means to complete the Hero’s Expedition. 
  • We use Strava to track your numbers and ensure compliance, taking an unprepared person out on expedition is highly problematic. We are committed to ensure your success. 

Hero's Expedition:

  • Typically a Multi-Day (2 day) hike of hard terrain. The level of difficulty can be modified to suit the group requirements, this is determined through the barrier testing.
  • Essential equipment is included:
    • Pack
    • Sleep System
    • Brew Kit
    • First Aid
    • Hike Poles
      • On trail nutrition, clothing & personal items to be supplied by the participant.
      • Should the Participant not require the essential inclusions please let us know ASAP.
  • Base Camp accommodation
    • Base camp costs are included.
  • Arrival Feast
    • A feast is provided on arrival to base camp, prior to the expedition start.
    • This time is used to review and familiarise with the expedition equipment.
  • Hero’s Extraction (subject to availability)
    • This ones a secret, you’ll need to attend to find out 😉.
  • Celebratory Feast (in the absence of extraction capability).
    • We will convene at the chosen post expedition accommodation and join you for a celebration feast provided by us.
      • Accommodation costs pre & post expedition are the responsibility of the participant. (approx $180 USD/night).  

Nutrition Guidance:

  • Formulas on calculating energy requirements, and the conversion of that into tangible foods.
  • Recommended food groups.
  • Encouraged intuitive consumption, your work rate will be high.


  • 15 weeks of specific supplementation provided, geared toward peak performance through energy production. Brands include:
    • Cymbiotika
    • FIQ LABS
    • Dr Morse’s Cellular Botanicals

Expedition Equipment:

  • Essential expedition equipment is included:
    • Pack
    • Sleep System
    • Brew Kit
    • First Aid
    • Hike Poles
      • On trail nutrition, clothing & personal items to be supplied by the participant.
  • Should the Participant not require the essential inclusions please let us know ASAP.
  • 5 weeks of specific supplementation provided, geared toward peak performance through energy production. Brands include:

Online Masterclass:

  • XPT Performance Breath - A crucial element to energy management under extreme physical demand

Real time support:

  • Stay in contact with the ELITE™ Leaders via a closed Telegram channel. Any questions you have during the course of preparation that can't wait for a scheduled call can be answered real-time.

ELITE™ Standards Guide:

  • Rules of life engagement from the perspective of an ELITE. How you show up for yourself, your relationships, and in pursuit of your purpose are all a direct representation of the standard you currently hold yourself to. This guide is a written and demonstrated benchmark written and lived by the leaders of INVICTUSELITE™.



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