Detoxification & Pregnancy

The following recommendations for our cellular medicines have been established based on traditional use, current research (that we consider accurate and reliable), and Dr. Morse, the developer of these herbs sporting nearly 50 years of herbal expertise. The Cellular Botanicals are superior herbal formulas used to cleanse, regenerate and strengthen the tissues of the body, restoring your health and vitality. However, we do recommend avoiding or using caution with some formulas during pregnancy (see below). If you are pregnant, consider waiting to detox deeply until your little one is born. Focus instead on using food as a cleanser. There are some situations that may require detoxification using herbal formulas during pregnancy, and in these cases we suggest that you attend the inceptions or schedule a Q&A with us for personalised guidance. Should you choose to work with our formulas while pregnant, please take the following lists into consideration.

NB: We always recommend our Superfood Blends (any of them) during pregnancy for an excellent prenatal formula. We recommend our Bone and Connective Tissue Support to promote parathyroid function (calcium utilisation), and Kidneys and Bladder formulas to support the filtration of lymph.

Use with caution in early pregnancy

  • Lymphatic Systems (all)
  • Lymph Drainage (all)

Do not use while pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Chem/Metal Detox
  • Parasite G
  • Strong Heart

Do not use while breastfeeding (moderate use during pregnancy is okay)

  • Heal All Tea
  • Heal All Herbal Blend (capsules and glycerin)
  • Parasite M

Special note: Lymph Drainage (Lymphatic Systems) Formulas (All)

  • Due to the astringent nature of these formulas, use caution during pregnancy.
  • Lymph Drainage Moderate & Super Mover (Lymphatic System 4 & 3) are not recommended during the entire pregnancy.

Special note: GI Renew (#2-#5)

Generally, any herbs with stimulant laxative properties are ontraindicated during pregnancy due to concerns of stimulating uterine contractions. Recent research has shown that some stimulant laxatives (cascara sagrada and cape aloe included), have shown no adverse effects on pregnancy or the foetus when used according to the recommended doses. As such, we consider the GI Renew formulas to be safe for use during pregnancy when used as recommended (and with common sense). Always start with the lowest possible dose and strength and increase gradually as needed. If breastfeeding, simply keep an eye on your baby’s stools. If you observe baby’s stools becoming more frequent or too runny, decrease or discontinue the bowel formula.

If you would like more discussion on this, you can choose to visit our website, attend the inceptions (if you are an enrolled member), or book a Q&A session and we can assist you in choosing the right bowel formula for you.

The Female Reproductive Tonic

While this formula has been cautioned or contraindicated during pregnancy in the past, the current formula is actually very safe to use during pregnancy. Ingredient changes and cases we have worked with have shown this formula to elicit a tonic type effect and strengthen reproductive tissues, which can be very beneficial both before and during pregnancy.

NB: This is not an estrogenic formula.

You may research the ingredient list and ask, ’But what about blue cohosh?’

While it’s true that this herb can have abortifacient properties and has been used by midwives to help induce labour, these actions are not achieved without using high and frequent doses. Blue Cohosh is one of nine herbs in the Female Reproductive Tonic and is a very small percentage overall. At that small percentage of a dropperful, this formula has a tonic effect, not an abortive or inducive one.

What about the alcohol in the tinctures?

The amount of alcohol in the tinctures, when taken as directed, is negligible and not enough to cause any adverse eff ects for mother or baby. If the taste bothers you or you prefer not to use alcohol tinctures, consider capsule or glycerin versions instead.

Alternately, you can ‘burn’ off the alcohol in tinctures by bringing 30-90mL of distilled water to simmer (not boil), removing it from the heat source, add all the tinctures you are required to take for that serving, allow it to cool and then consume.

Lactation herbs

While many herbs work to increase or decrease breast milk production, we have found two in particular that work well in most cases.

  • To stop breast milk production, black walnut hull can be a safe, quick and eff ective method.
  • If breast milk supply is not starting off very well or decreases before you are ready to stop breastfeeding, fenugreek is very helpful at recovering a dwindling supply.

Capsules are generally the best form, and it generally needs to be consumed consistently and in what seems like very large doses (generally 4-5 capsules, fi ve or six times per day, sometimes more, until supply returns to normal).

Note: The pituitary gland makes prolactin, the hormone necessary for breast milk production. If herbs seem to barely work, or do not work at all, you may need to look at, and address, a pituitary weakness.

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