We invite you to roll with the Advanced guideline below, though if you're dealing with a cough (or any other condition that requires drinking fluids to manage), then the modified protocol may be the better option first time around.

Protocol Note: Unless prescribed differently by your IHH Coach, use a dose of 1 teaspoon of aluminum free sodium bicarbonate (bi-carb soda) mixed into 250ml of water to enter and break the Day 3 fast.

Critical Note: Your blood pressure needs to be considered before entering a dry fast (i.e. end of Day 2, thru Day 3 of the advanced guideline) as it gives us an indication of neurological power and working space of the renal system. If the system is underpowered or lacking 'space', the sensible course of action is to extend the preparation work accordingly. This will require a conversation with your IHH Health Coach.

BP calculated average minima over 3 consecutive readings on each arm:

  • Systolic between 115-135mm/mg
  • Diastolic between 55-75mm/mg
  • HR between 58-77 BPM

NB: If you are taking medication for hypertension, please monitor your blood pressure closely as this protocol can plummet a medicated BP. if you notice a rapid drop, please consult with your prescribing doctor immediately. Best practice is to make your Doctor aware prior to commencing the protocol and gain guidance from them as how to manage your medication should such a drop occur.


  • Urine collection jars
  • Blood pressure machine
  • Body scales
  • 3 teaspoons of Aluminum free Bicarbonate Soda
  • Protocol aligned foods
  • PH strips
  • Dr Morse's Healing Herbs
    • If this is your maiden voyage through the program, you will have had the highlighted items sent items to you.
    • If you are recycling your protocol, purchase the DETOXIFY expansion kit here to procure the necessary items again www.invictushealthhub.com/dispense
    • Items not highlighted will need to be procured by you.

Advanced guidelines (dry fasted)

This option is for those who have prepared well through SHIFT™ and are not currently experiencing any healing crisis outside of their window of tolerance.

This option calls for a dry fast and invokes a powerful neurological experience. Stay close to your assigned support coach and reach out to them as often as you need to through this process.

DAY 1 :

  • Consume fruit only, any way you like; juice, smoothie or whole. I suggest dark grapes, berries and watermelon (melon to be had alone).
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • At 6.00pm, cease all foods and consume only filtered water and/or coconut water.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 2 :

  • Record your morning Blood Pressures from each arm, and declare them in your Phase Report as normal.
    • NB: refer to the Critical Note at the top of this summary sheet.
    • If you have any concern or uncertainty, consult with your IHH Health Coach before proceeding with a dry fast.
  • Continue consuming filtered water and/or coconut water until midday.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • From midday until 6.00pm, consume as much cold-pressed fruit juice as comfortably possible. Apple, Orange, Grape or Blueberry juice are among the favorites.
    • If your taste/appetite rejects the juice, simply continue with water.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • At 5.00pm, take all recommended botanicals, and wait until 6.00pm before consuming the bicarbonate soda solution.
    • The bicarbonate solution commences your dry fast.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 3:

  • This is the day of the dry fast.
    • Do not take the morning or midday dose of the botanicals.
    • Day 3 is the day to breathe, stay relaxed and stay focused on the fact you are doing yourself a great service. The wins are coming.
  • Conduct a filtration test (pee in the jar) at approximately 4.00pm if you have the fluids flowing enough to do so. If you cannot get a sample, disregard this step.
  • Break the fast with the bicarbonate soda solution at 6.00pm, completing 24 hours.
  • Consume cold pressed fruit juices after 6.00pm, slowly and frequently.
    • Replenish well.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 4:

  • Filtration test first thing in the AM. Do not miss this one.
  • Record your body weight.
  • Record your Blood Pressures & Basal Temperatures.
  • Consume fruits throughout the day, anyway you please.
  • Bring in a serving of cacao, blended with honey and your aligned Superfeast mushroom blend.
  • Finish off the day with fruit.
    • If you feel you need something denser, choose a salad.
    • If you are feeling low of energy, please reach out to you support coach and they will help to guide you correctly.
  • Continue to take the botanicals at the standard dose (the same dose you have been using).
  • Attend the CATALYST PHASE 1 debrief, to discuss your process and initiate the step into PHASE 2.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.
  • Consume cacao as felt, up to 2 per day.

NB: If you are not seeing any sign of sediment in your urine sample at the completion, it would be prudent to run this phase again after a 3–5-day respite. If you are an enrolled member, consult with you assigned support coach; if not, I strongly recommend you arrange a consult with our team by visiting www.invictushealthhub.com.


For those with a lingering cough, respiratory issue or gastric dysfunction that exacerbates without the use of water for suppression, or for those that don’t yet feel comfortable with dry fasting, please use the below modified platform that removes the dry fast and replaces it with a mono juice.

DAY 1 :

  • Consume fruit only, any way you like; juice, smoothie or whole. I suggest dark grapes, berries and watermelon (melon to be had alone).
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • At 6.00pm, cease all foods and only consume filtered water and/or coconut water.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 2 :

  • Record your morning Blood Pressures from each arm, and declare them in your Phase Report as normal.
  • Continue consuming filtered water and/or coconut water until 6.00pm.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
  • At 5.00pm, take all recommended botanicals, wait until 6.00pm then consume the bicarbonate soda solution.
    • The bicarbonate solution commences your 24hr mono juice fast.
      • Select one juice only to continue with:
        • Grape
        • Blueberry
        • Watermelon
        • Lemon (cut to tolerance with orange or water)
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 3:

  • Continue consuming your chosen juice, having it as much and as often as comfortably possible.
    • Take all recommended botanicals.
    • Day 3 is the day to breathe, stay relaxed and stay focused on the fact you are doing yourself a great service. The wins are coming.
  • At 6.00pm, break the fast with the bicarbonate soda solution, completing 24 hours.
  • Continue with a range of fruits as felt, or you may choose to dry fast until the next day.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.

DAY 4:

  • Filtration test first thing in the AM. Do not miss this one.
  • Record your body weight.
  • Record your Blood Pressures & Basal Temperatures.
  • Consume watermelon only today.
  • Finish off the day with fruit.
    • If you feel you need something denser, choose a salad.
    • If you are feeling low of energy, please reach out to you support coach and they will help to guide you correctly.
  • Continue to take the botanicals at the standard dose (the same dose you have been using).
  • Attend the CATALYST PHASE 1 debrief, to discuss your process and initiate the step into PHASE 2.
  • Complete and submit your Phase Report online.
  • Consume cacao as felt, up to 2 per day.

Congratulations on completing phase 1 of CATALYST™.

NB: If you are not seeing any sign of sediment in your urine sample at the completion, it would be prudent to run this phase again after a 3–5-day respite while conducting Phase 2. If you are unsure, consult with you assigned support coach and they will help guide you.

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