The purpose of the work undertaken in this section is to:

  • Clear the gastrointestinal lines of residual obstructions
  • Invoke a deeper cleaning of the GI interstitium (interstitium, as it pertains to the GI tract, is the spaces in between the cells comprising the structure of your stomach and bowel).
  • Begin catabolising and clearing any obstructive mucoid plaques.
  • Improve assimilation and absorption capacity (upgrade your engine’s fuel efficiency).
  • Setup the catalyst for biome regulation and balance (correct candida/parasite issues).
  • Continue to improve upon neurological power.

Remember: The body can only do one thing at a time. Trust the process.


  • Urine collection jars
  • Blood pressure machine
  • Body scales
  • PH strips
  • Dr Morse's Healing Herbs
    • Include GI BROOM
  • Essential oil set
  • Adrenal Cocktail**
  • Glandulars**
  • Ceremonial Cacao
    • If this is your maiden voyage through the program, you will have had the highlighted items sent items to you.
    • If you are recycling your protocol, purchase the DETOXIFY expansion kit here to procure the necessary items again www.invictushealthhub.com/dispense
    • Items not highlighted will need to be procured by you.
    • Consume as per the indications on the label, or as directed by your assigned support coach.
    • Ensure you take GI BROOM a minimum of 1 hour away from food and other herbs. Taking them in one dose only either first thing of the morning or last thing of the evening is often the best way to succeed with this condition.
    • Items marked ** are included on a case-by-case basis. If you don't have it in your kit, then your individual circumstance didn't require it.
      • If we notice a need arising during the program, then a second parcel will be sent.
    • Preparations may be altered based on availability. If a preparation is out of stock, your support coach will assign a suitable substitute.

Complete and submit your Phase Report online.


Over the next 14 days the CAT P2 process calls for the inclusion of a tonic comprised of citrus juice and specific essential oils.

This is to be had on an empty stomach, starting with an AM and PM dose initially, increasing to 4 times daily as felt.

NB: your stomach will be well clear of digestive load around 30-40 minutes post any meal provided you are adhering to the programmed diet guidelines.

Juice the below:
2 x lemons
1 x orange
1 x grapefruit (grapefruit is an acquired taste and doesn’t need to be included every time).
Decant 100-150 mL of the juice into a glass to prepare the tonic in. The remainder can be used to ‘chase’ the tonic, it can be a little breathtaking.

Into the juice, add the following:

  • 1-4 drops of oregano essential oil
  • 1-4 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 1-4 drop of clove bud essential oil
  • 1-4 drops of cinnamon leaf essential oil.

NB: Start with 1 drop of each to test your tolerance, increase the number of drops per serving by 1 at a time until you reach your achievable limit, capped at 4 drops of each per serve.

NB2: If you happen to dribble an extra drop in, don't panic it wont bother you. the max limits are miles below safe dose and structured to achieve the desired outcome efficiently.

Wait a minimal of 15-20 minutes before eating following the consumption of this tonic.

Optional additions listed below intended to increase chelation properties. Please consult with your support coach if you would like to explore the implementation of this. These products are not included in the standard kit as in our experience, its not often required and cannot be programmed at the onset due to the 'real-time' nature of true healing.

  • Active bentonite clay
  • Ultimate Zeolite
  • COCO activated charcoal
  • CARBON 60 fullerene
  • Cymbiotika Shilajit

1x tbsp of Puradyme life enzymes can be added to the excess citrus juice and consumed to accelerate deeper gastric clearing.


Maintain as close to 100% fruit, melons and berries as possible, flexing only with raw salads or steamed vegetables if absolutely necessary.

Structure the fruits through the day in alignment with the below listed from morning to evening:

  • High acid (citric fruits)
  • Sub acid and berries (apples, dark berries, etc)
  • Sub acid and sweet fruits (bananas, dragon fruit, mango, etc.)
  • Last meal of the day: watermelon, must taste like a good watermelon should and be eaten completely by itself. The taste is important; if it doesn’t taste good, its either not fit for consumption or its not vibing with you right now. Either way, discontinue and choose something different from the same group.

If you cannot achieve 100% fruit, a good strategy is to commit to fruit through the day and have an evening meal of veg and/or salad seasoned with herbs, or citrus juice.


Utilise the power of a water fast to accelerate the rate and depth of your GI detox. It is a very potent method of deep GI cleaning and great for those that participate.

This is not recommended for those currently with neurological weakness. If you are unsure, reach out to your support coach.


Commencing from Day 3: 
  • Consume as much fruit and juice as comfortably possible. 
    • Take all botanicals. 
  • Water fast (consume only filtered water &/or coconut water) following your last meal of the day. 
Day 4

Continue the water fast, taking all botanicals and the mucoid tonic through the day.

Day 6

Continue water fasting through until 6pm before breaking the fast gently with fruit juices/smoothies. 

Day 7

Baseline testing first thing AM (urine sample, BP's, Temps, PH's).

Return to standard nutritional programming.


Seven days initially, checking your baseline tests (filtration, BP's, etc) at day one, and again on day seven.

Record the data via the Baseline & Phase Reports on these days. Reach out to your assigned support coach to discuss anything specific as it arises.

Continue for a further seven days to complete 14 days total, re-test Baseline's and submit via the online form.

From the 7th day onward, you can choose to add the optional upgrades to the tonic and continue. Ask your support coach for guidance if you are unsure.

CATALYST™ PHASE 3 Pre-work starts from day 10

  • Consume a minima 1L of cold pressed apple juice each day from Day 10 through to day 14. You will continue the Apple juice into the morning of the following day (day 15), however the detail is captured in the 'FLUSH DAY' summary detailed in the PHASE 3 tasking.
  • The days can be extended to land on a day better suited for the flush day of PHASE 3 if need be.
  • Continue everything else in PHASE 2 as normal.

NB: At the completion of the 14 days, you may feel the need to cease the tonic for a short period before recommencing; if this happens to you, please honour your intuition and stop until you are called to it again. This is very much a felt thing for yourself, however if you need to soundboard with your support coach, please reach out to them.

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