• Predetermined schedule where Day 5 & all of day 6 lands on a ‘do nothing’ day (Flush & flush recovery).
  • Filtration jars
  • Blood pressure machine
  • Body Scales
  • Citrus Fruits
  • 60g Magnesium Sulphate, commonly known as food grade (USP) Epsom Salts
  • PH strips
  • Dr Morse's Healing Herbs
  • Botanicals and supporting nutrition have been acquired
    • If this is your maiden voyage through the program, you will have had the highlighted items sent items to you.
    • If you are recycling your protocol, purchase the DETOXIFY expansion kit here to procure the necessary items again
    • Items not highlighted will need to be procured by you.
    • Consume as normal, per the indications on the label, or as directed by your assigned support coach.
    • Preparations may be altered based on availability. If a preparation is out of stock, your support coach will assign a suitable substitute.

Ensure you complete and submit your Phase Report.

Ridding the liver and gallbladder of accumulations and subsequent stones is the final instalment to this initial process, and the one that restores significant power back to your body’s ability to process and transmute chemistry.

The liver and gallbladder flush requires five days of preparation, followed by 16 to 20 hours of actual flushing. For this protocol, you will need the following items:

  1. Fresh cold pressed apple juice – 1L daily (5 days/5L total).
    • NB: This should already have been done through the last half of CATALYST™ PHASE 2. If not, no issue, we have time, get it started now.
  2. Pharmaceutical/food grade (USP) Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) – 60g total. This can be purchased in most chemists or food stores.
  3. All other recommended botanicals and miscellaneous items can be purchased from
  4. Pure extra virgin olive oil - 4 oz. (120 mL).
  5. Fresh cold pressed or hand squeezed lemon or grapefruit juice – enough to juice or squeeze 6 oz. (approx. 180 mL).

You can find Epsom salt in most chemists or natural food stores. If you cannot find Epsom salt, use magnesium citrate instead (same dosage).

If your body weight is below normal and you consider yourself quite thin, use a total of 30-40 grams.


Drink 1L of freshly prepared apple juice per day for a period of five days. It is the malic acid in the apple juice that can soften gallstones and make their passage through the bile ducts smooth and easy. Drink the juices slowly and in small portions spread throughout the day. Don’t forget to take your herbs.


Use fresh cold pressed— commercially produced apple juice may contain high amounts of inorganic arsenic, a naturally occurring mineral that can be toxic in high concentrations. Avoid apple seeds entering your juicer to remove any chance of cyanide toxicity. While it would take an incredibly high amount of apple seeds to be toxic, we don’t want any extra loading during a phase of detoxification.

It may be useful to brush your teeth a few times per day to prevent the acid (although mild) from damaging your teeth; using a straw can also help this possible issue from becoming an issue.


If you are an enrolled member, maintain your general or specific nutritional guidelines as discussed with your assigned health coach.

Solo enthusiasts, feel into the level of the raw food diet that aligns best with you. Avoid fats in the days leading up to, and the day of the flush—you will get a good wallop with the oil/citrus tonic.

On day five, consume your herbs as normal throughout the entire day. Drink the 1L of apple juice in the morning (at a comfortable pace). Once you’ve consumed your juice, feel free to enjoy a warm cacao drink (no additional fats like coconut butter) and eat a light breakfast/brunch of fruit (as much or as little as you like—ensure hunger is satisfied to a comfortable level).

Your midday meal can consist of a fresh low fat salad with a non-gluten containing grain if you need something different (e.g. quinoa or buckwheat base with spinach, carrot, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, onion, capsicum, kale, broccoli etc.). If you’re comfortable or committed to working at a deeper level, lower the calories and increase simplicity by consuming fresh fruits in any preparation you please; whole, smoothie, juiced—never cook!

Do not eat any protein-rich foods or high fat items like nuts, avocado, butter, or oil. You risk feeling ill during the actual purge if these are consumed. The goal is to preserve as much bile as possible for the liver to utilise. This bile is required to soften and break down the obstructions from the liver and gallbladder, so keeping as much of it ready for the main event makes a tonne of sense. Eating fat or oil containing foods would draw on the bile supply and render this process far less effective.

At 1.00-1:30pm, cease eating all food. Sip water only if required.

Please do not attempt the liver flush until you have carefully read and understood the rest of the protocol.

At 6.00pm – Add 1 tablespoon (15g) of food-grade Epsom salt to approx. 150-200mL filtered water and consume. You may take a few sips of water afterward to neutralise the bitter taste in your mouth, or add a little lemon juice to improve the taste. Holding your breath while drinking works well for most people. Set out the citrus fruit you will be using later so that it can warm to room temperature.

At 8:00pm – Drink your second serving of Epsom salt (15g in approx. 150-200 mL filtered water).

At 10:00pm – Juice or hand squeeze your lemons or grapefruits. You will need about 6 oz. (180 mL) juice. Pour the juice and 4 oz. (120 mL) olive oil into a protein shaker cup or a glass jar that has a lid. Close the shaker or jar tightly and shake hard for 5-10 seconds.

Be standing next to your bed with your prepared oil/citrus tonic, give it a final crazy shake and consume the mix as quickly as you comfortably can (taking a big breath and holding it while consuming it is the easiest method).

Lie down immediately, breathing naturally and normally (important for helping the body to relax and release any gallstones).

Turn off the lights and lie flat on your back with one or two pillows propping your head up. Your head should be higher than your abdomen. If this is uncomfortable, lie on your right side with your knees pulled toward your chest, but also keep your head elevated. Lie perfectly still for at least 20 minutes in silence, completely relaxed. You want to use all the available energy to release stones and not divert it elsewhere. Allow your breath to pass your chest and circulate through your abdomen before exhaling. This will work to inspire a deeper sense of relaxation.

After the initial 20 minutes, you may remove the extra pillows and assume your normal sleeping position. It is best to remain in bed, but if the urge for a bowel movement arises, attend to it (as silly as that sounds, history has proven this actually needs to be detailed). Inspect each bowel movement for small gallstones (pea-green or tan-coloured ones) floating in the toilet, or simple colourations of green, yellow or rust. In the very rare case you feel sick, simply consume extra water and take a warm shower or bath before aiming to get to sleep. Herbal tea like passionflower, mullein, cardamom and chamomile can be great options to help with sleep too.


Upon waking (aim for 6:00-6:30am) – Consume your third portion of Epsom salt (15g) in approximately 180 mL filtered water. Rest, read, or meditate. If you are very sleepy, you may go back to bed.

At 8:00-8:30am – Drink your fourth and last portion of Epsom salt (15g) in approx. 180 mL filtered water.

At 10:00-10:30am – Start by drinking fresh cold-pressed juice or a fruit smoothie. You may also enjoy a weak cacao (10-15g) with any type of medicinal mushrooms you please. Slowly work up to 2-3 pieces of fresh fruit thereafter.

As you approach lunch, return to regular eating, but be aware of any feeling to over eat. Start small—it’s better to have small grazing meals or snacks for the first day than large meals or you may experience stomach pain (in other words, be gentle as you refeed).

By the next morning, you should be back to feeling normal and feel the first signs of improvement. Continue to eat light meals during the following 2-3 days. Remember, your liver and gallbladder have undergone ‘major surgery’, albeit without the harmful side effects or the expense.


Use fresh cold pressed— commercially produced apple juice may contain high amounts of inorganic arsenic, a naturally occurring mineral that can be toxic in high concentrations. Avoid apple seeds entering your juicer to remove any chance of cyanide toxicity. While it would take an incredibly high amount of apple seeds to be toxic, we don’t want any extra loading during a phase of detoxification.

Summary begins from Day 5 'FLUSH DAY'

  1. Continue using your aligned cellular botanicals and nutraceuticals through the entire day. Drink all 1L of the required apple juice in the AM.
  2. Consume fresh fruits and berries up to 1pm. If you need something denser, feel free to finish with a light salad, dressed with celtic salts (or equivalent) and citrus juice. Only consume foods if you’re actually hungry.
  3. Please cease all food by 1:00-1:30pm, you may sip water as needed.
  4. At 6.00pm, add 1 tablespoon (15g) of food grade Epsom salt to approximately 180 mL filtered water & consume.
  5. Set out the citrus fruit you will be juicing later, so they can warm to room temperature.
  6. At 8.00pm, drink your second serving of Epsom salt (15g).
  7. At 10.00pm, pour the juice of your lemons or grapefruits, and 4 oz. (120 mL) olive oil into a shaker bottle. Close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for 5-10 seconds. The citrus should ‘cut’ through the oil.
  8. Be standing next to your bed with your citrus and olive oil mixture, give it a few more shakes before consuming as quickly as practical.
  9. Lay down immediately, starting on your back (move to your right side if needed) and completely relax. Tend to any bowel movements as they arise, always returning to a calm and relaxed state, lying down.
  10. Upon waking, drink a glass of water. Shortly after, drink your third lot of Epsom salt (15g).
  11. At 8.00-8.30am, drink your fourth and last portion of Epsom salt (15g).
  12. At 10.00-10.30am, you may begin the recovery phase. Start by drinking fresh cold-pressed juice or a fruit smoothie. Move on to fresh fruits and/or a weak cacao drink as felt.
  13. Once lunchtime hits, return to regular eating habits, aligned with protocol, being mindful to keep the portion sizes small. Your liver has just undergone a significant cleaning cycle, it needs a little TLC as it builds it’s strength into the enormous space you have just helped it create.

Complete the relevant phase report & diagnostics. Continue in the rhythm of the raw diet until your next coaching call.

Congratulations on job well done!

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