
Retake the detailed self assessment below and note the changes. Discuss these with your support coach to determine your continuation plan.

  • Talk to your Support Coach about lab studies you have purchased to arrange a follow up collections.
  • Consider retaking iris pictures 6 weeks post completion. While changes in the eye can be much slower to appear in contrast to the tangible change in the body, a good lymphatic iridologist may be able to see the markers of healing.
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Client Self-Assessment - Step 1 of 13

Personal Information

Postal Address
This is my
Have you used Cellular Botanicals before?
Your Health Coach may recommend Glandulars to ‘power punch’ certain areas. Do you consent to the use of Glandular medicines in your program?

Vitals Information

(If you are not sure of your vital sign readings you may leave them blank)

Do you have Iron dysregulation?
Answer 'yes' if you have been medically diagnosed with high or low iron, or if you have been instructed to take iron supplements by a medical professional.
Do you take Vitamin D supplements Regularly?
Do you take Vitamin C supplements Regularly?
Please be as honest as possible.
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