The Stops

Its true that 75% of all meaningful improvements are found in what you DON'T do.

Our diet is one of the primary way's we bring the outside world in, and therefore has a profound impact on the chemical position of our physical body. The STOPS invite you to remove the foods that aren't contributing to proper hydration & cellular function.

Foods that inhibit the healing process

To pre-frame this section more accurately, its important to understand that no food is ‘bad’ food. There is only what works, and what doesn’t work in the context of your desired goal.

The below list is a comprehensive overview of the food groups that are not fit for the intended outcomes of DETOXIFY™.

These are to be heavily mitigated, ideally eliminated, for the duration of the program in support of your best result.

  1. Dairy products
    Cream, Cheese, Milk and milk derived products, Yoghurt etc.

Milk and milk products are the number one reason for mucus build up. The system mucus resides in, the lymphatic system, is the very same system you will find all allopathic ‘cancers’ appear in, and what a beautiful thing to know that you have complete control of it.

The comparison and limitations of animal milks to that of the human:

Mother’s milk, by comparison to other sources, shows that the only milk in nature that is almost identical to a human is produced by the primates. An important note here is that the nutrition of human mother’s milk and its respective pH is diet dependent. Since most of a human female’s diet is typically, or culturally, acid forming (high protein), the milk becomes acidic and somewhat nutrient deficient. All milks in nature must be neutral or somewhat alkaline otherwise the offspring risk suffering immensely with mucus build up throughout the body, under the skin, in the lungs, and even tumour development (an exacerbating condition in many societies). On the proviso that mum is producing milk with a base pH, it has been observed that human babies benefit from his/her mother’s milk for about six months. Keeping them on the boob longer can result in the same lymphatic problems aforementioned. The animal milks commonly consumed by humans are far too dense for efficient digestion, and the impactive issues experienced with them exacerbate at a 10-fold rate with volume consumed.

  1. Processed and refined foods
    Canned foods, GMO products, White rice, pasta etc.

The processing of a food drastically alters it in both its chemical and energetic (electrical) components. In most cases, the electrical properties (electrolytes) are almost destroyed and the original chemical bonds are always altered, producing harmful and ‘radical’ chemistry, instead of preserving the simple chemical bonds that we may have been able to digest and use. A lot of this altered chemistry is cell damaging (what allopathy calls cancer causing or a carcinogen) and, of course, they are acid forming.

  1. Animal proteins
    Beef, Pork, Chicken, Fish, Lamb, Turkey etc

The homosapien (human) is not a meat-eating species. We can ‘get by’ on it, and it does have its uses in stimulus down the track in a regenerated system, however overconsumption is incredibly harmful. Humans, like primates whose genetic codes are 98% the same as humans, are frugivores. The human body is best designed to process fruits, berries, and melons. Animal flesh is too high in protein (complex structures of amino acids), putrefactive in man’s GI tract, vibrationally negative, and, in the chronic states, creates a need for the body to leach calcium out of the bone and connective tissues for pH correction. All of this causes high acidosis, which contributes significantly to all of the symptoms articulated in allopathic dis-ease.

  1. Proteins from other sources
    Beans, Soy products, Seeds, Eggs, Grains etc.

Even though the degree of putrefaction is less and there is more rounded chemistry, high complex amino acid foods (proteins) such as beans, seeds, eggs, nuts, etc., cause high acidosis as well. These foods are very difficult to digest (enzyme inhibitors) and are very constipating, just to start with. The result of a high protein diet is a long list of dis-eases the medical world created. The areas of your body that see the most damage from higher protein diets are the GI tract tissue, urinary system (kidneys and bladder), and gonadal tissue (testes, prostate, uterus, ovaries).

  1. Cooked foods
    Cooked and canned items, Deep fried foods etc.

‘'When you cook, you bond.’

Cooked food is the destructive upgrade to processed foods. While there are measurable macronutrients (protein/fats/carbs) in the food, they do nothing but rob the body of energy. The amount of energy required to break down such twisted chemical bonds is highly enervating.

The product’s chemistry in this group is greatly altered, and in most cases, causes digestive stress, constipation, gas, acidosis, and a loss of energy. Cooked foods contribute highly toward the degeneration of tissue.

If you're struggling with temptation by foods that are off the reservation, you may find the advice in the video below extremely helpful.

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