To whom it may concern...
In order to get the most out of this program, we encourage you to set your intentions and your boundaries with yourself, and any others that may need to give you the space to work, through a written agreement; to you, by you, for you.
Write your own from scratch, or use the template below. Print, sign and post it up in as many places as needed.
Contract of Self-Service Template
The Invictus Journeyman's Creed: In order to be truly self-less, I must take this time to be self-ish; to put my needs before the needs of my own mind, and the minds of others. When I am healthy and strong, I will contribute powerfully to my life's purpose and those that I care for the most.... I gift myself this time and discipline to heal.
Key Points to Consider
Use the below points to consider the larger picture of what you are about to embark on.
- What does overcoming your condition do for you...
- What does overcoming your condition do your options...
- What does overcoming your condition do for your kids, parents, brothers, sisters, friends, all those close to you...
- What does overcoming your condition truly mean.... where else could you apply this sense of triumph and victory in your life once you have cultivated it.
Setting an absolute goal for yourself is powerful, but what makes it unshakable is taking the actions necessary to set your external environment (e.g. relationships, work, etc.) to respect and support that goal.
- Who do you need to tell and what do they need to know...
- What boundaries do you need to set with yourself...
- What boundaries do you need to set with others...
- What boundaries do you need to set around events and social activities...
The cost of not following through
Understanding the COST of not completing this program to the best of your ability.
A perspective that isn't often touched on is the cost of not staying the course in the discipline of improving your condition. Things like...
- Financial
- Aside from the cost of this program, consider costs such as...
- ongoing doctor costs, therapy, medicines, time off work, or the inability to progress your career short-changing yourself on income.
- Aside from the cost of this program, consider costs such as...
- Life's experience
- The cost in 'life spice' that your condition, if not resolved, excludes you from. Consider this from the context of...
- Personal accolades or achievements.
- Fulfilling the responsibilities of the values you hold highest.
- Making moments with those you love.
- Setting a benchmark for those that would look up to you.
- Being the standard for those that come after you.
- The cost in 'life spice' that your condition, if not resolved, excludes you from. Consider this from the context of...
- Quality of Life
- Take note of all the experiences that came to you in the previous prompt and consider not being able to participate in them 'full out'. In other words, if you had to leave 50% of yourself on the bench after the course because you half-arsed the program, how does that land? Are you willing to let it happen?
Reinforce the fire of honoring your self-contract by reminding yourself of what it costs you if you don't.